16 tools I use for my day to day development work!

Tools for web development are important as they help developers create websites that are functional, efficient, and user-friendly. Tools like debuggers code generators frameworks HTML editors, web page builders, and content management systems (CMS) allow developers to quickly and easily build websites that are optimized for search engines and user experience. Tools also help developers manage large amounts of data, track user interactions, and debug errors. Overall, tools for web development are essential for creating a successful websites.

01 sentry.io

Sentry.io is a cloud-hosted error monitoring platform that helps software engineering teams identify and diagnose crashes and errors in real time. It allows teams to aggregate and prioritize errors, track them through their entire lifecycle, and quickly identify and fix the root cause of any issue. Sentry.io also provides insights into usage, performance, and more, providing developers with the information they need to make better decisions. Sentry.io is available for web, mobile, and server-side applications, and is used by some of the world's largest companies, including Microsoft, Airbnb, and Uber.

02 trello.com

Trello is an online project management and collaboration tool that helps to organize and manage projects and tasks. It provides an intuitive, visual system for organizing tasks, assigning them to team members, and tracking their progress. Trello also allows users to collaborate with others and share files, comment on tasks, and keep track of project updates.

03 desktop.github.com

Desktop GitHub is a tool that allows developers to work with GitHub from their desktop. It is designed to make it easier for developers to collaborate on code, manage their repositories, and keep track of changes to their projects. It provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for users to interact with their repositories, allowing them to make changes, view logs, and perform other tasks without needing to use the command line. Desktop GitHub also supports two-factor authentication, making it more secure than using a web browser.

04 slack.com

Slack is a team collaboration platform that allows teams and organizations to communicate and work together more effectively. It provides users with a place to message, share files and documents, and collaborate on projects. Slack also supports integration with popular third-party services, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Twitter, and many more.

05 postman.com

Postman is a powerful API development environment and collaboration platform. It helps developers to test, develop, and document APIs quickly and easily by allowing them to send requests, inspect responses, and share collections of requests with the development team. Postman's features include request building, response validation, environment and variable support, API mocks, and monitors. It also has an intuitive user interface that helps developers to quickly find and diagnose issues with their API.

06 xcrud.net

XCRUD is a simple and powerful web application builder and data management framework written in PHP and based on the popular jQuery library and the PHP Fat-Free Framework. It allows you to quickly create and manage your data with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. XCRUD allows you to create CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) applications in minutes, with just a few lines of code. It also provides features such as sorting, searching, pagination, and more.

07 apachefriends.org

Xampp is a free and open-source web server package developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages. It can be used to create a local web server for testing and deployment purposes. Xampp provides an easy to install and manage web server environment for developers and webmasters.

08 code.visualstudio.com

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a free, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It provides developers with a streamlined development experience, including support for debugging, source control, and powerful code editing features. It also includes integrated support for many different programming and scripting languages, as well as a variety of features for building and running applications.

09 medoo.in

Medoo is an open-source database framework written in PHP. It provides an easy to use, lightweight and powerful interface for interacting with different kinds of databases. With Medoo, developers can quickly create and manage databases, create and execute SQL queries, and interact with various database systems. It supports various types of databases, such as MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle and MongoDB.

10 getcomposer.org

Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.

11 www.smtp2go.com

SMTP2GO is an email delivery service that allows users to send and receive emails reliably, quickly, and securely. It provides features such as spam filtering, email tracking, and analytics. It also offers a secure platform for sending sensitive emails, and other features to help ensure that emails reach the intended recipient.

12 usedcss

Used CSS allows users to quickly view which CSS styles are used on any website. This can be helpful for web developers who want to quickly analyze and modify the CSS of a website.

13 stackoverflow.com

Stack Overflow is a Q&A (Question and Answer) website for developers and people who are interested in programming. It allows users to ask and answer questions related to coding and programming topics, as well as discuss related topics. The site also has a reputation system that allows users to gain access to more advanced features and capabilities as their reputation increases.

14 codepen.com

Codepen is an online code editor and web development environment that enables users to write, test, and share HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is used for rapid prototyping and development of web projects and applications. With Codepen, users can create, preview, and share their code online to collaborate with other developers.

15 responsively.app

Responsively is an open-source web development tool that helps developers quickly and easily test their websites across different device sizes, resolutions, and operating systems. It allows developers to view their websites on multiple devices at once and provides various debugging tools to help developers identify and fix UI/UX issues.

16 netlify.com

Netlify is a web development platform that helps improve the workflow between a website’s development and its deployment. It provides an easy-to-use interface that automates the process of website deployment, making it quick and effortless. Netlify also helps with hosting and Domain Name System (DNS) management. Additionally, it offers tools such as serverless functions, form handling, and real-time analytics.

bonus codesandbox.io

CodeSandbox is an online platform for web development that allows users to quickly create web applications using pre-configured templates, or to code their own projects from scratch. It provides a sandbox environment for quickly testing and experimenting with web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, without having to install and configure development tools. Users can also collaborate with other developers on their projects by sharing, editing, and commenting on code snippets.

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